
What is Viagra and How Does it Work?

What is Viagra?

The easiest way to explain Viagra and what it does is by saying that it’s a prescription medication that is most commonly used to treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It is typically used by males aged between 45 and 60, but it can be utilised by anyone over the age of 18 that may be suffering with the signs of decreased blood flow to the penis, testicles and genital region in general.

Viagra was originally developed by accident, when scientists and researchers working for Pfizer Labs were attempting to create a drug that would provide improved blood flow to the heart in an effort to combat low blood pressure. Once it was discovered that the effects could also be used to aid in penile issues, the medication was formally approved by the FDA in March 1998.

Is It Just for Erectile Dysfunction?

Although the majority of uses relate to symptoms pertaining to an inability to obtain an erection, this is just one of the multiple uses of the medication. Known by the branded name Viagra, the formula within each pill, tablet, or capsule actually consists of a tested substance that is commonly known within the medical industry as Sildenafil.

The chemical composition within this medication works by allowing the cells within human blood to travel more freely around the body; making it easier for the heart to pump blood to different regions that may be suffering with low blood pressure. As a result, it can be very useful when treating erectile issues; but there are other ailments that can be addressed as well.

These include pulmonary arterial hypertension; a condition that can result in the tightening or thickening of arteries and veins – which can often lead to a decrease in blood flow. As the medication is able to ‘thin’ the blood within a matter of moments after being absorbed into the bloodstream, it can act to reduce the pressure felt by the heart whilst widening arteries to allow for more blood to be pumped around the body.

It’s Medical Uses

Many individuals that suffer with the aforementioned PAH condition may find themselves being recommended a course of Viagra to assist with their ailment. Studies have shown that over time, those suffering with the condition can experience lesser symptoms; even once the course has been completed. As research is still ongoing, more and more benefits are being discovered.

That being said, the majority of individuals that require the medication will do so for erectile purposes and as the drug can now be purchased over the counter with a subscription, it’s now more readily available than ever before. In all instances it is advisable to purchase from a reliable source and when privacy is a concern, buying online from a reputable supplier can be most beneficial.